Preses of the Grand Antiquity Society

1756 James Burns 
1757 James Millen 
1758 John Blackwood
1759 John Forsyth 
1760 William Black 
1761 Archibald McQueen 
1762 Andrew Miller 
1763 "  " 
1764 Thomas Pettigrew 
1765 Archibald Anderson 
1766 John Bryce 
1767 David Warnock 
1768 Robert Menzies 
1769 Andrew Young 
1770 John Maxwell 
1771 William Ritchie 
1772 Alexander Addams 
                 No Record
1776 David Mathie 
                 No Records 1777 to 1801
1801 John Coats
1802 No records 1802 to 1815
1816 John Alston
1817 William Miller
1818 John Ewing
1819 John Andrew
1820 William Bain
1821 John Paull
1822 Robert Cooper
1823 Thomas Alston, jun
1824 Andrew Liddell
1825 James Leck
1826 James Young, jun
1827 William Cadell
1828 Hamilton Miller
1829 Andrew Paull
1830 Thomas Loudon
1831 John Gilchrist
1832 John Leck
1833 James Brown
1834 John Gilchrist
1835 Wm. Bogle Gilfillan
1836 John Alexander
1837 David Goudie, jun
1838 Ebenezer Steven
1839 Robert Brown
1840 James Alexander
1841 Peter Salmon
1842 Peter Campbell
1843 John Spiers
1844 Porteous Sutherland
1845 Thomas Muir
1846 John Paul
1847 Alexander Currie, jun
1848 Andrew Buchanan
1849 James Bain



1850 Andrew Logan
1851 Robert M Steven
1852 William Barclay
1853 John Robertson
1854 Andrew Reid
1855 Robert Logan
1856 Robert Muir
1857 George Good
1858 Robert Muir
1859 David Wright
1860 David Wright
1861 Andrew Steven
1862 James Hutchison
1863 Wm Muir Ferguson
1864 William Kyle
1865 James Smith
1866 James Ewing
1867 James Buchanan
1868 James Yuill
1869 Henry Reid
1870 Archibald Cunningham
1871 William Crawford
1872 William McQueen
1873 George McKean
1874 James Yuill
1875 Robert Mason
1876 Alexander Robb
1877 Donald Munro
1878 John Bryce
1879 Joshua Buchanan
1880 Robert Ferguson
1881 Andrew Lauchlan
1882 A Graham Service
1883 James Laird
1884 William Miller
1885 William Maclean, jun
1886 Andrew Roy
1887 John Ewing Nelson
1888 Thomas Arbuckle
1889 William Cherry
1890 Joseph N Smith
1891 A Malloch Bayne
1892 Cauvin S Alston
1893 William King
1894 William Mather
1895 William Howatt
1896 Adam Turnbull
1897 John Henderson
1898 Alexander Ferguson
1899 Wm Stuart Service
1900 James B Tennent
1901 William Gunn Galbraith
1902 J Millar Reid
1903 Thomas Graham
1904 James D Dorrie
1905 William Buchanan
1906 Hugh P MacNeill
1907 John P Copland
1908 Mungo M Graham
1909 G J Mozart Allan
1910 Andrew F Fleming
191 James Baillie
191 William Clark
1913 J Leiper Gemmill
1914 Robert M Dorrie
1915 Archibald Speirs
1916 Ninian Markshonner
1917 Dr Gemmell
1918 William Brown
1919 William B Cowan
1920 David Perry
192 Charles J Bryden
192 Arthur Wilson
1923 George H Laird
1924 Alex McQuish
1925 William McCall  
1926 James Symington
1927 J C D MacGregor
1928 John William Hannay
1929 Francis A Downes
1930 Samuel Steven
193 John Grant
193 Sir John Reid
1933 James Campbell Fyfe
1934 Charles Gordon Daly
1935 Alexander Lindsay
1936 James Anslin
1937 Jackson Millar
1938 C D Galbraith
1939 J Campbell Murray
1940 R Allan Ogg
194 Alexander Watt
194 Robert W Lawson
1943 Thomas C Young
1944 Douglas M Martin
1945 Frank R Burnet
1946 Kenneth Muir-Simpson
1947 Charles R Rintoul
1948 Robert Clark
1949 James M Wilson
1950 J Percival Agnew
1951 W Graham Greig
1952 W Sloan Smith
1953 W Graham Greig
1954 James Stirrat
1955 Charles S Gray
1956 J H Calder MacLeod
1957 A Graham Service
1958 Robert R Campbell
1959 James W Dallachy
1960 W A P Lawson
1961 A Graham Glen
1962 Thomas A Raines
1963 Thomas M Lightbody
1964 R Douglas Gourlay
1965 A Campbell Davies
1966 Alexander Lindsay
1967 George G P Gardiner
1968 Robert F Braid
1969 T L T Burnside
1970 Denzil Muir-Simpson
1971 John M Lyle
1972 Frederick M MacLeod
1973 John A A Spiers
1974 Sir Robert C Smith
1975 George Gray
1976 Walter Nelson
1977 Alistair D Robin
1978 James G Fyfe
1979 G A Roser
1980 M G Taylor
1981 James W Dinsmore
1982 Peter C Paisley
1983 Richard M Muir-Simpson
1984 James A P Milne
1985 John G Fergus
1986 W Morton Fyfe
1987 A Barclay Gilmour
1988 Iain W Alston
1989 George MCCulloch
1990 S Graham Hoey
1991 G Campbell Duff
1992 Leslie P Nicol
1993 David M Richmond
1994 Ian F Muir
1995 G Michael A McChlery
1996 Jamie G Matheson
1997 James P S McNeill
1998 F Ronald Land
1999 John B Park
2000 Gordon M Wyllie
2001 Norman A Fyfe
2002 Marjorie G Matheson
2003 T Malcolm T Wishart
2004 Duncan I Cunningham
2005 Stephen J Reid
2006 J Keith Denholm
2007 Alison J Dick
2008 Gill Craig
2009 Duncan J Gilmour
2010 Norman Hamilton
2011 J Douglas Anderson
2012 Anne M Macfarlane
2013 Margaret Hamilton
2014 John F MacLeod
2015 David H Scott
2016 Graeme A Kidd
2017 Roderick A Macpherson
2018 Hamish J A Scott
2019 Robin McKinlay
2020 Robert Paterson
2021 David Denholm
2022 Lorna Birse-Stewart