Celebrating Glasgow's Heritage and Culture

The Sir Robert Smith Award

The Grand Antiquity Society of Glasgow has at its heart: the history, culture and traditions of the City of Glasgow.  So, when a former Preses of the Society offered to help celebrate this connection, the Sir Robert Smith Award was born.

The prize is in its infancy and is to be given annually for a publication (book, article or substantive lecture) or action that promotes or recognises some element of Glasgow culture be it literary, architectural or other achievement regarding ‘the Dear Green Place’. 

The award to the winner is £1,000.

Entries shall be submitted by 30th September each year.  The judging panel will be taken from the Directors of the Society and the winner will be informed by 30th October.  The award will normally be presented at the Society’s Annual Dinner in late November, at the Trades House of Glasgow.  For further detail see below.

Previous Winners

2020 - Craig Bryce for the book: Glasgow’s Best-Kept Secret: The History of the Trades Hall. (Images to follow)

2021 – John Bryce for his report on Douglas Munro Lauder. (Pictures and detail to follow)

2022 – Andrew Ralston for his book: Where Mortal and Immortal Meet, Essays in celebration of the 85th Anniversary of the Society of Friends of Glasgow Cathedral

Details of Application

  1. The entry should reach the Clerk of the Society by 30th September in the year of the award.
  2. A written or printed entry should be in an original form (e.g. the book or lecture script or equivalent). As a guideline, a book or article would be over 5,000 words and a lecture should have been over 40 minutes. Either of these should demonstrate the research carried out. It should have been published/delivered between 1st October the previous year and 30th September in the current year.
  3. The submission should be accompanied by a statement stating that the work is solely the product of the stated author. Works by multiple authors are not generally encouraged.
  4. The work may form part of another submission e.g. a thesis or dissertation within an academic institution.
  5. The award may also be in the form of a recommendation to consider the work or action of someone else. In this case, a citation of sufficient detail should be attached.
  6. Applicants should provide contact details including name, e-mail address and contact phone number.
  7. Contact details for submission are: tom@monteithsolicitors.com or:
    Thomas W Monteith, Clerk, Grand Antiquity Society of Glasgow, 9 George Square, Glasgow, G2 1OQ.