Join the Grand Antiquity Society

Objects of the Society

That the Grand Antiquity Society of Glasgow was established in the year 1756 in the City of Glasgow with the object of uniting the old Burgess families of that City and or preserving the continuity of Burgess-ship amongst them for encouraging non-Burgess Citizens to qualify for those benefits which Burgesses and Guild Brethren alone can enjoy and for affording relief to the members of the Society in old age and to their widows when in indigent circumstances.

Preconditions for Membership

That the members of the Society consists of persons being Burgesses and Guild Brethren of the City of Glasgow whose fathers and grandfathers or whose spouses' fathers and grandfathers have also been Burgesses and Guild Brethren of the said City.

[In enlightened times this should of course now read: " . . .with a parent and grandparent or whose spouse has a parent and grandparent have also been Burgesses and Guild Brethren of the said City." ]

Applications forms can be down loaded here:

An on line form is being developed

Guidance Notes

1. Application Type.   Membership of the Society is for Burgess Citizens of Glasgow who are the third generation as Burgesses.

  1. An application at the 'Near Hand' is where the applicant is:
    1. The son or daughter of a Member of the Society. or
    2. the son-in-law, or daughter in law of a member of the Society.
  2. An application at the 'Far Hand' is where the applicant is of the first qualifying generation. (i.e. that they are the son or daughter of a Burgess Citizen of Glasgow who in turn is the son or daughter of a Burgess Citizen of Glasgow.

2. Entry Monies.   There is a one time entry fee with no annual subscription,  The cost is currently:

  1. Near Hand
    1. Applicant under 25 years - £40
    2. Applicant over 25 years - £80
  2. Far Hand
    1. Applicant under 25 years - £40
    2. Applicant over 25 years - £80
  3. Burgess Ticket.  If the applicant does not currently hold a Burgess Ticket an additional £30 is charged for this to be provided.

3.  Submission. On completion of the forms they should be sent to the Clerk to the Society.

The Clerk
The Grand Antiquity Society of Glasgow
c/o Monteith Solicitors
9 George Square,
Glasgow G2 1QQ